
To: 艺术家:

欢迎参加“Dream in Color”洛杉矶艺术展全球艺术作品征集活动,本次活动主题"Dream in Color"旨在探索梦想、想象和色彩的结合,给艺术家提供一个表达自己的内心世界和创造力的平台。

"Dream in Color" 主题鼓励艺术家用色彩的力量表达他们的梦境与幻想,并探索色彩在艺术中的作用。我们希望各位艺术家以自己独特的想象力、强大的艺术创造力和令人充满期待的创新力,创作出能够表达个人对的“梦”的认识的艺术作品,让观者感受到梦境中的美妙与情感的启示。


我们期待着艺术家们发挥无限创造力,用色彩和梦想来翻转我们的现实世界。无论是表达个人的内心世界,还是与社会生活的情感连接,您的艺术创作都将是激励你我前进的力量。在这次的“Dream in Color”活动中,让我们共同寻找色彩与梦之间的神奇纽带,让艺术转化为希望与变革的源泉。

To: Artists,

Welcome to the "Dream in Color" Los Angeles Art Exhibition Global Artwork Call. The theme of "Dream in Color" aims to explore the combination of dreams, imagination, and color, providing artists with a platform to express their inner world and creativity.

The "Dream in Color" theme encourages artists to use the power of color to express their dreams and fantasies, as well as explore the role of color in art. We hope that artists will create artworks that express their personal understanding of "dreams" through their unique imagination, powerful artistic creativity, and exciting innovation, allowing viewers to experience the beauty and emotional inspiration of dreams.

In this call for submissions, we open the doors to artistic creation without limitation on medium or form. Artists can use vibrant and bright colors to convey hope, joy, and enthusiasm, or use soft and deep colors to express inner sadness and contemplation. Artworks can be representational or abstract, but what matters most is the ability to evoke emotional resonance in the depths of the viewers' hearts. We welcome all forms of artistic expression, including painting, photography, sculpture, installation art, digital art, and more, as they all possess the charm of art. We look forward to seeing your works that showcase a rich imagination and sensitivity to color.

We hope that artists will unleash their unlimited creativity to transform our reality through color and dreams. Whether it is expressing one's inner world or emotionally connecting with societal life, your artistic creation will be a source of inspiration for both yourself and others. In this "Dream in Color" event, let us together seek the magical bond between color and dreams, allowing art to become a source of hope and change.

Best regards,

LiMei-Franco Gallery

机构介绍/Institutional Introduction

LiMei-Franco Gallery

Li Mei-Franco Gallery成立于2023年8月,最初是为了展示当代肖像画而作为Li Mei Norton视觉艺术家的业务实体——Li Mei Art World。2023年的后半段,克里斯汀·弗朗科(Xrstine Franco)和其合作,并正在进行重塑,更名为LiMei-Franco Gallery。作为一位过去的画廊所有者和策展人,克里斯汀将策划大型的个展,展示知名艺术家和新兴艺术家的作品。

Established in August 2023, LiMei-Franco Gallery was originally founded as Li Mei Art World by Li Mei Norton, a visual artist specializing in contemporary portraiture. It initially served as the business entity for Li Mei Art World. In the latter half of 2023, Xrstine Franco joined forces with Li Mei Norton and is currently undertaking a restructuring process, resulting in the renaming of the gallery to LiMei-Franco Gallery. As a former gallery owner and curator, Xrstine will curate large-scale solo exhibitions showcasing the works of both renowned and emerging artists.

LiMei-Franco Gallery 展馆外景

LiMei-Franco Gallery 展馆-1

LiMei-Franco Gallery 展馆-2




Art Interesting Culture Communication Co.(简称AICC)坐落于中国郑州,于2023年成立。作为星澜教育艺树人项目部的隶属机构(成立于2017年),AICC专注于艺术考研和艺术留学作品集辅导,致力于提供全方位的艺术教育和留学申请服务,近百名学员用优秀的作品集成功申请到理想院校。如今作为一家文化传播公司,AICC以其专业的能力和经验,参与策划并协助组织本次展览。作为展览的承办方,AICC承担了本次展览的视觉设计任务。


艺赛传媒(MADC)成立于2019年,是依托国内数所高校资源成立的艺术设计新媒体联合运营团队,致力于艺术设计竞赛、展览、运营、媒体等领域。团队下属“全球艺术竞赛网” “国际艺术展览网” “大咖计划”等核心项目,累计服务用户数超五十万人次,合作方达百余家,合作方包含亚洲青年艺术设计联盟、环球游憩奖、北京国际中学生短片电影展、“如日方升”全国大学生艺术作品展、中国艺术设计年鉴、中国国际室内设计网、上海国际设计周、创意中国设计大奖等。


- 发布征稿启事并接收作品:即日起

- 报名截止日期:2023年10月30日

- 评审和获奖作品公布:2023年11月5日

- 邮寄作品: 所有报名入选的参展艺术家须在2023年11月15日之前确认是否参展,2023年11月25日将作品包装好寄送到指定位置

- 布展:2023年12月26日起

- 线下展览:2024年1月于美国洛杉矶展出(展期一个月)

- 线上展览:2024年1月同期举行


“Dream in Color” 洛杉矶艺术展 证书样本

资格及要求/qualifications and requirements





3.作品需与主题"Dream in Color"相关,表达个人梦境、幻想、色彩和情感等



B.邮件主题请注明:“Dream in Color-作者-几件-联系方式”例:Dream in Color-张三-3件作品-+xxxx xxxx


费用说明/Cost Description


2.洛杉矶实体展览:入选后参展费用根据国际物流价格变动另行通知(包含保险费用、运输费用、报关费用及场地布置费用等)作品将在洛杉矶LiMei-Franco Gallery进行实体展览并同时入选线上展览颁发参展证书、画册等


奖励与机会/Rewards and Opportunities

1.入选作品将有机会在洛杉矶LiMei-Franco Gallery的全球艺术展览中展出



4. 所有参展艺术家获得参展证书及参展画册

5. 参展艺术家有机会签约LiMei-Franco Gallery并进行专栏推广


1. 参赛作品必须为原创,不得侵犯他人的版权或知识产权

2. 参赛者提交的作品,将自动被视为同意LiMei-Franco Gallery在宣传和推广活动中使用

3. 因作品质量、完整性或不符合主题要求等原因,我们保留拒绝作品的权利


"Dream in Color"洛杉矶艺术展将为您提供展示和分享艺术梦想的舞台。


