

The new building for the University of the Arts (Uniarts) Helsinki, the Academy of Fine Arts, provides students and staff with exceptional facilities for tuition and making art within an architecturally distinct building. The architecture celebrates the imaginative integration of existing structures and pays homage to the history of Sörnäinen, a post-industrial neighbourhood buzzing today with young urban life.

© Tuomas Uusheimo

© Hannu Rytky

© Tuomas Uusheimo

总平面图 ©JKMM


Maker space


Designed by JKMM, the ingenuity of the architecture lies in offering students of finearts, lighting and sound design and design for the performing arts generous, muscular, well-lit, and clearly defined spaces. The communal and modifiable architecture will lend itself to a variety of uses for creating and experiencing a wide range of art forms, using different media, and working on scales from the intimate to the imposing. The architecture is thus there to enable rather than restrict creative endeavour.


Mika Huisman

© Tuomas Uusheimo

© Tuomas Uusheimo


Uniarts (Helsinki’s Academy of Fine Arts) has been designed as a direct response to the needs of future visionaries providing generous contemporary maker space with the latest technologies. With its raw surfaces and sense of spatial and experiential adventure, this is a building budding artists can respond to, challenge imaginatively and make their own.

© Tuomas Uusheimo

© Mika Huisman

© Tuomas Uusheimo


Adaptive Reuse


Together with the Theatre Academy, the Academy of Fine Arts is part and parcel of the creative Uniarts campus on a site making fresh use of the eastern seafront of Helsinki downtown area. The two academies interconnect through an existing Modernist silo building at the heart of the site. Inside, the silo’s strategically exposed concrete frame provides architectural vigour at this key juncture.


Marc Goodwin

© Marc Goodwin

© Marc Goodwin


The Theatre Academy – providing facilities for dance and theatre students housed within a former soap factory – has been partly remodelled with JKMM’s input. The practice has transformed a neighbouring converted electrical works to provide the Academy of Fine Arts with additional accommodation directly linked to the new build part of the scheme. In this way, the newly revisited Uniarts buildings introduce a significant and discrete 21st Century layer to the project.

© Mika Huisman

© Mika Huisman

© Tuomas Uusheimo

美术学院被亲切地命名为"Mylly"(芬兰语中的 "磨坊"),让人联想到它之前的功能。建筑在改造设计后所表现出的精简且朴素的美,以及在砖立面上选择的内凹窗户,展现了对工业遗产的传承。

The Academy of Fine Arts is affectionately named “Mylly” (Finnish for The Mill) referencing the building that preceded it. The pared down, even austere aesthetic of JKMM’s design and choice of clearly defined deep-set windows within the brick elevations reflects this functional industrial heritage.

© Hannu Rytky

© Tuomas Uusheimo

© Tuomas Uusheimo


Inside “The Mill”


At the heart of this five-storey building spanning over 13,000 sqm (gross) is a top-lit courtyard defined by a dramatic steel staircase that cuts through space diagonally from one level to the next. This creates a dynamic and communal corefor the “Mylly” building as students move around from studios and learning spaces.

© Mika Huisman


Asmo Jaaksi

© Tuomas Uusheimo

中庭楼梯立面图 ©JKMM

中庭楼梯草图 ©Asmo Jaaksi


On the ground floor there is a dedicated gallery space accessible to the general public. The roof level incorporates a large outdoor terrace for making and exhibiting art together with far-reaching views over the city.

© Marc Goodwin

© Tuomas Uusheimo

© Tuomas Uusheimo

"我们的整体设计理念是创造一处具有凝聚力,能被灵活使用,同时也是牢牢扎根于其城市环境的建筑。对我们来说,最重要的是新空间不以任何方式限制其墙内的创造,能激发学生更大胆、更富有想象力地突破他们在建筑内可以实现的边界。事实上只有当这些艺术专业的学生们占领了这些空间,并使其成为他们自己的空间时,建筑才算完整",该项目的建筑设计负责人、JKMM联合创始人Asmo Jaaksi提到。

“Our holistic design vision was informed by a need to bring people together into a building that allows flexible use but is also firmly rooted in its urban context. It was critical for us that the new spaces did not in any way limit what could be created within their walls but instead would inspire students to be bold and imaginative in pushing the boundaries of what they can achieve in the building. In reality, the spaces are only complete when the arts students occupy them and make them their own”, says the project’s lead architect and co-founder of JKMM Asmo Jaaksi.

© Tuomas Uusheimo

© Tuomas Uusheimo

© Marc Goodwin


Social Value


To future-proof the building so it serves generations, JKMM has thought carefully about its supporting structures and their longevity. These have been minimised through load-bearing facades and a rational slab-column frame which will greatly facilitate change of use, if required, in years to come. Fair-faced concrete and steel surfaces and overall material choices have been specified for longevity and ease of maintenance.

© Tuomas Uusheimo

© Tuomas Uusheimo

"对于室内设计和家具布置,我们选择了适合旧工业环境,并能经受大量磨损的材料。家具主要选用木材,因为木材耐磨且能优雅的呈现出岁月变化。木材也与(主要用于建筑上的)混凝土和钢材表面形成了对比,它更能创造一种温暖、欢迎的氛围" ,该项目室内设计负责人Päivi Meuronen 描述道, "我们觉得建筑应该真正地拥抱学生生活的活力和艺术创作的过程"。

“For interiors and furniture design we selected materials that work well within an old industrial setting and can withstand substantial wear and tear. Fittings are largely made of hard-wearing timber that also ages beautifully. At the same time, wood provides a welcome contrast to the concrete and steel surfaces”, describes the project’s lead interior architect Päivi Meuronen. “We felt that the building should really embrace in an inspiring way the energy of student life and the process of art being made”, defines Meuronen.

© Mika Huisman

© Niclas Mäkelä


From the very start back in 2017 when JKMM won the project, an important aspect of the brief was to create a local resource that brought researchers and makers of art together and made it accessible to the general public as well: an arts building with a gallery and programme embedded within its community.

各层功能分布图 ©JKMM

"赫尔辛基艺术大学的新楼为艺术教学提供了国际一流的设施,在建筑中随处可见日常生活和艺术创作的痕迹,而且这些设施可以很容易地适应我们未来不断变化的需求",赫尔辛基艺术大学校长 Kaarlo Hilden 说道。

“Uniarts Helsinki’s new building for Academy of Fine Arts gives world-class facilities for teaching and learning arts. The marks of everyday living and art-making can be openly visible in the building, and the facilities can be easily adapted to our ever-changing needs in the future,” says Rector of Uniarts Helsinki Kaarlo Hildén.

一层平面图 ©JKMM

二层平面图 ©JKMM

三层平面图 ©JKMM

四层平面图 ©JKMM

五层平面图 ©JKMM

剖面图 ©JKMM

立面图 ©JKMM

立面图 ©JKMM




Location: Helsinki, Finland

Function: Auditorium, Learning spaces,Library, Multifunctional spaces, Offices, Workshops

Size: 13 000 m2

Status: Completed - 2021

Scope: Adaptive reuse, Architecture, Artintegration, Interior, Restoration


About The University of The Arts HELSINKI


The University of the Arts (Uniarts) Helsinki provides the highest level of education in music, fine arts, theatre, and dance in Finland. Uniarts Helsinki is an international forerunner in education and research in the field of arts and strengthens the role of art as a force that reforms society. Established in 2013, Uniarts Helsinki consists of the Academy of Fine Arts, Sibelius Academy and Theatre Academy.


