
最近有好多小伙伴询问英国的音乐硕士申请,今天jason学长就和大家汇总一下英国九大音乐学院master of music音乐硕士录取要求,相关作品准备等详细信息,希望对大家有帮助。英国九大音乐学院,其中八所通过UCAS申请,另外一所市政厅音乐与戏剧学院Guildhall School of Music and Drama通过学校官网申请。

学校一:Royal Academy of Music(大皇)

专业:Master of Music(performance)


1. 学制:2年,master of arts学制1年,可以调剂专业

All Master of Music candidates are automatically considered for Master of Arts, so if you are also interested in MA study you should only apply for MMus because there will only be one audition.

2. 雅思要求:7(5.5)

3. 学费:£28,750(2年)或 £31,250 (one year intensive)

4. 作品要求:


5. 作品递交deadline:29 October 2021

6. 作品审核费用: £100

7. 需要written work1000-2000字+ project proposal(无具体字数要求)

学校二:Royal College of Music(小皇)

专业:Master of Music(performance)


1. 学制 2年

2. 雅思要求:7(5.5)

3. 学费:待查

4. 作品要求:https://www.rcm.ac.uk/apply/auditions/auditionlocation/#d.en.22425

5. 作品递交deadline:29 October 2021 错过日期仍然可以递交如果还有名额

6. 作品审核费用:£105

7. 2份written work,可以拿到CON offer后补Two recent examples of extended written work in English, such as essays.

学校三:Royal Conservatoire of Scotland(苏格兰皇家音乐学院)

专业:master of music


1. 学制2年 If you wish to apply for direct entry, please mark the point of entry on UCAS Conservatoires application as 2.

2. 雅思要求:6(5.5)

3. 学费:£18,699(2年)

4. 作品要求:


5. 作品递交deadline:15 October 2021 If you submit your audition recording after this date, we cannot guarantee that your audition recording will be reviewed by the audition panel

6. 作品审核费用:£65 per course

7. Written work:无

学校四:Royal Northern College of Music(北方皇家音乐学院)

专业:master of music


1. 学制2年 或者 1year intensive

In some cases, candidates who have completed relevant modules of a postgraduate (Level 7) qualification at a recognised Higher Education Institution may be considered for direct entry into year 2

2. 雅思要求:6(5.5)

3. 学费:24,000(2年制/年)或29,600(1年制)

4. 作品要求:


5. 作品递交deadline:29 October 2021

6. 作品审核费用:待查

7. Written work 不超过1000字,有 具体要求

学校五:Royal Birmingham Conservatoire(伯明翰皇家音乐学院)

专业:master of music


1. 学制2年

2. 雅思要求 6(5.5)

3. 学费:£24,100 per year

4. 作品要求:https://www.bcu.ac.uk/conservatoire/music/auditions/requirements

5. 作品递交deadline: 25th of October 2021

6. 作品审核费用:£75

7. Written work 暂无

学校六:Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama(皇家威尔士音乐与戏剧学院)

专业:master of music(performance)


1. 学制13 months intensive or 2 years full time

2. 雅思要求:6.5(L5.5 R6.0 W6.0 S5.5)(13个月)或 6.0(5.5)(2年)

3. 学费:£22,505(13个月)或£21,962(2年)

4. 作品要求


5. 作品递交deadline:Monday 18 October 2021

6. 作品审核费用Audition Fees:There is an audition fee of £63 for one instrument or £84 for two instruments.

7. 是否要求written work:无

学校七:Leeds Conservatoire(利兹音乐学院)



1. 学制:1年

2. 雅思要求:6.0

3. 学费:18300

4. 作品要求:https://www.leedsconservatoire.ac.uk/courses/postgraduate-study/audition-information/

5. 作品递交deadline: 暂无

6. 作品审核费用:待查

7. 需要1000-2000字written work

An example of critical writing. This should be a piece of academic written work in English, which could be an essay or other piece of extended writing with bibliography and citations where appropriate. It should be between 1000-2000 words

学校八:Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance(圣三一拉邦音乐与舞蹈学院)

专业:master of music


1. 学制2年

2. 雅思要求:6.5(5.5)

3. 学费:£22,030/年

4. 作品要求:


5. 作品递交deadline:8 November Please note it is possible to submit recordings after this date, but a result might not be available until early 2022.

6. 作品审核费用: 待查

7. written work 暂无

学校九:Guildhall School of Music and Drama (市政厅音乐与戏剧学院)

专业:master of music





